Vivint Offers the Best Wireless Security Camera System with Remote Viewing
In our world, online shopping is the way to go. Gone are the days when you had to get in your car and drive to the shopping center. Now, from anywhere, you can shop with your phone, order with just a couple of clicks, and your new purchase is on its way (wireless security camera system with remote viewing, anyone?)
And it’s not just Amazon orders anymore. There are dozens of new companies – and more popping up all the time – that deliver nearly anything to your doorstep: groceries, food delivery, and in some areas, even wine or beer. So when your doorbell rings, do you know who’s there? Is it lunch, or a new pair of shoes? Or maybe it’s someone who, despite the “No Soliciting” sign on your door, is there to try to get you to switch your cable subscription. Whether you’re home or not, today’s wireless technology means you can not only see who is at your door but communicate with them through a simple app on your smartphone.
Vivint security cameras
Vivint Security has developed a powerful, all-in-one phone app that not only lets you check to make sure your alarm is active, but also view footage from your wireless home security cameras. With a wireless security camera system, you can analyze old footage to download and share as needed, as well as see live activity when your cameras are activated. With some systems, you can even communicate through your doorbell security camera and speak to your visitor, letting them know you’ll be there shortly, or where to place your package for safekeeping. Not only can you see when a package is being delivered, but you can also make sure that something isn’t being picked up when it shouldn’t be. There are stories and videos across the internet of “porch pirates”, people who run up to someone’s doorstep and steal packages that are delivered. With Vivint wireless security cameras, a doorbell camera, and phone app, you can be alerted when your cameras are activated and see if someone is approaching your house and warn them off or share the video footage with authorities.

But a good security camera system can do more than just protect your online shopping. Are you a parent and want to know when your kids arrive home from school? Are you working from home and want to monitor your kids playing outside while you’re on that hour-long Zoom call? With Vivint Security, you can. You can view live events on your phone or tablet anywhere you have an internet connection, so you’re aware of everything happening in and around your home, even when you’re not there.
wireless security cameras
Finally, there’s the peace of mind that comes with wireless security cameras that connect to your phone, tablet, and computer. Are you home alone? Not expecting a visitor and the doorbell rings? Use a doorbell security camera connected to your mobile device, see who is there, and interact with them from behind a locked door.