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Peace of Mind With Home Security and Alert Systems

The modern world can be a scary place. We are constantly assailed by news stories about how and why we have to worry about our own safety, even in our own homes, and whether or not we realize it, our safety is at risk if we are not constantly vigilant. But what about the times when you can’t be there? What about when you’re asleep? This is why a lot of people rely on an alarm system.

A professional alarm system can go a long way towards keeping family members safe and preventing a home intrusion. Calling a local service provider for an evaluation is a great way to start addressing the issue of personal safety and home security, but some people prefer a “DIY” type of solution. So what are the pros and cons of each?


Plenty of people will sell you a home security system, and there are some great systems available out there- Simplisafe, Wyze and Abode are some of the popular ones just to name a few. But here’s the problem- If you’re reading this article, there’s a good chance you’re not a home security professional. No problem, you say, I can watch a tutorial on youtube and follow the directions and install this thing myself, no sweat. And you’re right, there’s a good chance you could buy a home security system, install it all by yourself and it will work just fine; But what if it doesn’t? What if you didn’t do something just right? And furthermore, how will you know that it isn’t working right? Are you willing to risk you and your family’s safety on a DIY security system that you’re not even completely sure works the way it’s supposed to?

Alright, so maybe your system works exactly as it is supposed to. Most of them are pretty easy to install, and with a little luck you can get it going. Now, think about this- what are the hidden costs? Lots of companies will gladly sell you a self-install home security system and let you go home and install it only to find out that it actually has very limited functionality- unless you pay them a small monthly subscription fee, of course. Which is what you were trying to avoid by doing it yourself in the first place.

Furthermore, let’s circle back to the fact that while you’re probably very good at what you do, you’re not a home security professional. Well so what? This system is designed for average people to install, isn’t it? Sure it is. So tell me about all the tricks and tips you know about installing home security systems. Go ahead, I’ll wait. Do you know where they can be most effective? Do you know which parts of the house are most likely to face break-in attempts? Do you know where to put sensors to avoid most false alarms? Probably not- And that’s to be expected. That’s something only an experienced home security pro can tell you.

vivint indoor camera


An experienced home security professional is just the person to talk to about making a home harder to enter. Service providers can evaluate a home and the surrounding property to identify blind spots and areas that are more likely to be used to gain unauthorized access to a home. The experience of a trained professional goes a long way towards spotting these weaknesses as well as finding the ideal solution to close these security gaps. Modern home security solutions can allow homeowners to monitor blind spots and alert the authorities without hesitation if someone decides to attempt a burglary. Motion detectors are a basic tool for detecting movement in or around a home when no one is there. These sensors can be linked to a central alarm system to make it easy to contact the authorities should a break-in occur. Door and window alarms are the most common way to detect a break-in. Windows and doors are how almost all unauthorized entries occur. Installing even a basic alarm can help prevent unauthorized entry. Closed circuit monitoring devices help homeowners and service providers keep an eye on areas in or around the home that might not be frequented by family members. Areas in the backyard are often left completely unwatched, making them ideal for a would-be burglar to make their way into a home. Monitored services may not seem like a good idea to some homeowners, but they aren’t as intrusive as they seem. When no one is home service providers can react to alerts provided by the security system and contact the homeowner and the local authorities. When the family returns home, the monitoring services are put on hold.


Anyone who has an elderly family member will understand the concern of personal safety. If an elderly individual falls and is injured they need to contact emergency services right away. If they fall in the bathroom or somewhere else without a phone they could be stuck in one place for hours or even days. This is the leading cause of serious harm to elderly individuals who slip and fall. Personal safety devices are designed to address this concern and put family members at ease. Something as simple as an alert pendant can help elderly family members contact emergency services with or without a phone. These devices are very affordable and don’t take much to install. An alarm pendant can contact emergency services through a local wireless internet connection or through the home security system. Some alert systems can even work right through a standard phone line. This flexibility makes it easy to keep elderly family members safe even when they don’t have family members around. A standard alert pendant costs less than twenty dollars and can be installed by almost anyone. More advanced options are available, but they cost more and may require technical assistance or premium services.


Not everyone likes the idea of letting someone they don’t know into their home, even for the purpose of providing a security solution. These homeowners might consider creating their own solution. These self-installation security solutions are often quite effective, but they don’t always offer a complete solution. Almost anyone can install their own monitoring system. Affordable cameras can be connected to a home WiFi network and configured to report to portable devices and even directly to authorities. Unfortunately, most homeowners don’t have the necessary experience or technical knowledge to completely secure a home and prevent intrusions. Many burglaries are prevented just by having signage from a service provider visible. This deterrent saves homeowners quite a bit of heartache and money. More importantly, premium service providers offer a solution that can prevent break-ins and catch the perpetrator in the act. Calling a local service provider is often the best solution because they get more than just an alarm system for their home, they get the peace of mind that comes from having the benefit of experience on their side.


Homebrew solutions are often quite innovative and can help prevent theft, but it’s more important that the home is secured more effectively. Homeowners have nothing to worry about when they rely on an experienced service provider. Although low-tech solutions can be very effective, they don’t offer the same peace of mind and often don’t truly provide security to the entire home. Basic alarms and monitoring devices work best with the benefit or premium monitoring services and other assistance that only comes from premium service providers. Before considering a self-installation system, homeowners should talk to a local service provider or at least research what they have to offer. Self-installation security solutions are a great way to secure a home, but they don’t compare to the services offered by a professional provider or the assets offered as part of a home security solution. Saving a little money on home security isn’t really worth the price or personal safety. Homeowners should contact a local service provider for help before they consider investing in a self-installation solution or DIY kit.


So if it’s not obvious by now, your best bet is finding a home security company that you can rely on. So which one is the right one? There are a lot of them out there, some better than others. But out of all of them, one company rises above. Vivint home security comes with a ton of pros. Every system Vivint sells is 100% customizable to fit your needs, and installation is done by a certified professional home security system technician at absolutely no cost to you- So you don’t have to worry if it’s done right, if it works, if it’s going to wake you up in the middle of the night every time the neighbor’s cat walks past the camera; Vivint installers do things right the first time, and you don’t have to worry about it. So don’t wait, call Vivint today at 855.848.4681 for a 100% free quote on a home security system with no obligation to buy, or for more information, visit .