Should You Worry About Home Security in Houston?

Houston, right now, has higher property rates than the state as a whole. For residents, this means it may be worth looking into what can be done to help them protect their home, vehicle, and other belongings. While there are numerous ways to protect the property, purchasing and using a security system has been shown to be the top way to help prevent property crimes.

What are Property Crimes

Property crimes are when something is stolen from someone else. These include burglaries, even if nothing of value ends up being taken, motor vehicle theft, theft from yards, and other types of theft. In Houston, property crimes have risen 8% over the last year, so it is beneficial for residents to protect themselves against property crimes and to know what to do to reduce their potential to become a victim.

Property Crime Statistics for Houston

Texas residents have a one in 42 chance of being the victim of a property crime. In Houston, however, that number rises to one in 24. This includes, in the past year, more than 16,500 burglaries, 67,000 thefts, and 12,000 motor vehicle thefts. Theft, for instance, occurs at a rate of 28.97 per 1,000 residents, while for the US as a whole, the rate is only 15.95. Houston residents do have a higher than average potential to become a victim, but that can be reduced by installing a security system and making sure their home and vehicle are locked.

Most Common Property to be Stolen

Property crimes generally target cash or any items that are able to be sold later. In Houston, the items stolen more frequently include electronics, jewelry, tools, and car parts. These items may be taken because they’re left outside unattended, left in an unlocked vehicle, or left in the garage when no one is in there. They can also be taken during a burglary if the thief is able to gain entry into the home. While there is a possibility of the items being found and returned, this does remain a low possibility, and most residents do not get their stolen items back.


Reducing the Possibility of Being a Victim

Residents in Houston should make sure their home is locked at all times, even when they’re home. They should also make sure the vehicle is locked, and the garage door is closed. Any items that are in the yard could be stolen, so it’s vital to secure bikes, tools, lawn equipment, and anything else that may be in the yard. The best way to help prevent a burglary is to install a security system. Studies have shown that this can help reduce the potential for someone to break into the home significantly.

If you’re a Houston resident and you’re worried about the higher-than-average potential to become the victim of a property crime, take steps now to reduce your chance. Use the tips here to keep your belongings secured and look into purchasing a security system, so your home is always protected, even when you aren’t there.