Home security in Colorado Springs, Colorado

Colorado Springs, Colorado, has a crime rate of 39 per every one thousand residents. Compared to communities of all sizes across the country, the crime rate in Colorado Springs is considered high. The likelihood that you will be the victim of a property or violent crime here is one out of 26. Also, up to 87% of Colorado‘s other communities have a lower crime rate than what is seen in Colorado Springs. When trying to keep your home safe, learning about the the area you live in is essential. Improving your home security in Colorado Springs, Colorado is no different!

Unfortunately, in addition to a high crime rate, the area is also prone to many different crimes types. The most common property crimes for this area include larceny over $50, arson, vehicle theft, and burglary.

With this information in mind, it is clear you need to take steps to protect yourself and your home from the nefarious individuals in your area. Thankfully, there are several ways to do this, even community programs that will help.

The Neighborhood Watch Program Sponsored by the Colorado Springs Police Department

The Colorado Springs Police Department sponsors a Neighborhood Watch Program for the local area. You can find information on their website and even sign up to be a Block Captain. This is a good way to help take control of crime in your area and help the policy monitor what is going on around your home.

Taking Steps to Protect Your Home and Property

Colorado Springs is a beautiful place to live; however, it does not come without certain safety concerns. While there are programs offered in the area that are sponsored by the community, there are also steps that you can take to protect your home, family, and belongings.

One of the best things you can do is to invest in a quality security system. This security system should include several features, including video surveillance, window and door sensors, and ongoing monitoring by a professional security company.

Thankfully, several security companies serve the Colorado Springs area Each of these companies can help you get the security solutions that you want and need and ensure that your home and family are protected.

Home Security In Colorado Springs, Colorado

Who to Call in Emergency Situations?

If you believe that your person or home is being targeted in Colorado Springs, Colorado, you need to get in touch with law enforcement. You can always dial 911; however, there are other numbers you can call for assistance, too.

The Colorado Springs Police Department is located at 705 South Nevada Avenue. You can also reach the station by calling (719) 444-7000.

Protecting Your Home and Family in Colorado Springs

If you want to take steps to protect your family and home, then you should use the tips and information found here. Doing so will help ensure that you feel safe in your community and you may even be able to help others who live nearby and want to stay safe and crime-free.

Keeping Your Home Safe During Travel

When living in any area where crime is prevalent it is important to have a basic understanding of how to discourage criminals in your area and how to prevent your house from becoming a target. Creating a good system and routine is essential to improving your home security in Colorado Springs, Colorado. One thing that many people do nation wide is have a neighbor pick up any mail delivered to the house while traveling. Many criminals wait until they see mail building up in a homes mailbox to commit a crime as this is normally a good sign the owner is away. With the daily mail being collected as usual, nothing will look amiss and your house will stay safe even when you are away. Another thing many homeowners do is put a few lamps in a main area of the house on a daily timer. This timer will keep the lights on during the early morning, off during the day, on during the evening, and then off again at night. This daily cycle of lights being turned on and off again creates the illusion of activity taking place within the house and does not arouse suspicion to any less-savory characters that may be driving through your neighborhood. Another thing that has became especially popular as of late is hiring a house sitter. A house sitter stays in your house while you are away and simply lives in and watches out for anything that seems amiss. A good house sitter will stay on the lookout for anything that could go wrong while you are away. This is not limited to just potential crime in your area however. A good house sitter will also take in packages and mail, take care of any pets or plants in the house, keep you informed about anything happening in the neighborhood, and make sure nothing goes wrong during periods of bad weather. Another and increasingly popular option for increasing home security in Colorado Springs, Colorado is installing a home security system. A great example of this is a doorbell camera. A good doorbell camera allows you to see what is happening on your porch from inside your house or even out of town. A good doorbell camera will stop thieves, let you see who is at your door, and even let you accept packages remotely.

Keeping Your Home Safe

At the end of the day all of the things that are most important to you are in your home. Family, pets, keepsakes, and valuables are all inside. Keeping what matters most to you safe and secure should be any homeowners number one concern. Home security is what allows us to feel safe in our houses and can really make all the difference in creating an environment where you can have peace of mind. Just follow the tips above and you will be well on your way to making your home in Colorado Springs a safe and happy one!