A Home Security System Protects Homes in Denver, CO

While Denver, CO is undoubtedly a beautiful city, it is not without its problems. Residents of Denver have legitimate concerns about crime, which is why many of them are making the smart decision to have a home security system installed. These systems offer great peace of mind, allowing homeowners to feel less stress. As home security systems are becoming more and more popular, houses without one of these new systems are becoming targets for crime.

Crime Is Rising in Denver, Colorado

While crime is rising all over the country, there are some hot spots in states that can be of concern for residents. Unfortunately, Denver is not the safest of cities and is only safer than 6% of the country.

In the state each year, there are around 5,273 violent crimes. According to Neighborhood Scout, the average crime rate in Denver is 7.36 in 1000 residents.

Residents of Denver have every right to be concerned about the mounting crime. In this city, residents have a 1 in 136 chance of becoming a victim of a violent crime. Instead of becoming a victim, homeowners can install a home security system to protect their families and property.

Reasons Homeowners Should Install a Home Security System

There are many reasons homeowners choose to have a security system installed. Being aware of the reasons can help individuals to realize their need for added home security.

One of the biggest benefits of having a security system installed is peace of mind. Having peace of mind takes away a great deal of stress for homeowners.

Security systems keep families safe from break-ins and fires. The police are alerted immediately, and help is on the way in a short amount of time.

These systems can also help parents keep track of their children when the parents are not at home. Being able to see and talk with the children ensures their safety.

Study after study has proven security systems help to deter criminals. Most criminals want a fast and easy hit. If they know a security system is in place, they will likely avoid the home and go for an easier one.

Many homeowners are surprised to learn they can save money on their homeowner’s insurance costs by having a security system installed. In some cases installing a security system will actually save you money as a result of tax breaks, city incentives, and cutting insurance costs.

There are countless benefits to owning a security system, and homeowners in Denver are wisely making sure their families are protected. Security systems come with many options, allowing homeowners with various budgets to be able to afford a system.


Nobody Wants to Be Left Behind

As more and people start to take advantage of the new advances in home security, those who are not on top of this new trend are actually at risk of making themselves a target by being left behind. Imagine on a peaceful neighborhood street a car full of criminals drives down the road looking for an easy target. As they drive around the quiet Denver blocks under the cover of darkness, they see house after house with protective measures in place. One with a camera system, one with automatic lights that flick on as they drive by, one with a sign in the front that advertises a security company (like vivint!). Others still have stickers on the windows promoting a home burglary prevention system. The lights are on and the cameras are up at every house they drive past…. until they see it. A single house without any of the protective measures mentioned above. No lights, cameras, alarms, or signs that are a dead giveaway of a proactive secure home. If you were in the position of the criminals – which house do you think that you would target? In this way living in an area where home security is common actually increases the need for putting a system in place. As crime continues to rise in Denver, CO the most important thing that you can do is keep yourself from standing out. Knowing how to stop your house from becoming a target is actually quite simple. As mentioned earlier in the article even just a sign promoting a security system or company can discourage many criminals. Keeping your house safe and secure isn’t hard you just need to know what to do. If you have more questions or want to learn more about how to keep your family, home, and possessions safe, feel free to contact us at the number above, or keep reading the many articles we have here online.


Security systems have many features, from camera footage to a direct line with the police, fire, and rescue stations. When choosing a system, it is wise to work with professionals to ensure the right one is chosen. There is a wealth of different options when trying to figure out what type of home security. From wireless to wired, from alarmed to slight, to discrete or visible, all of these options will be considered by a home security professional.

These systems now offer seamless designs and are more affordable than ever before. Most homeowners would say they cannot put a price tag on peace of mind. Purchasing a system is well worth the cost. Nobody wants to live in fear of something happening to them or their family, and as crime rates continue to rise in Colorado potential threats are rising all the time.

A home security system allows homeowners to keep a better eye on their families and property. If you would like to protect your family and home, choose the perfect security system and have it installed by professionals.