The Advantage of Security Systems in Tucson
Tucson is one of the largest cities in Arizona, and it has one of the highest rates of crime as well. Those who live within the city are at risk of being the victim of a property crime at least once, though that risk can be reduced by taking the proper precautions. Those who do live in the higher crime areas of Tucson may want to look into a security system to reduce the potential for theft.
Breakdown of Property Crimes
Property crimes include burglaries, theft, and motor vehicle theft. In Tucson, there are, on average, 3,300 reports of burglaries, 21,000 reports of theft, and more than 2,500 reports of motor vehicle theft within one year. Those who live in the city are facing a one in 20 chance they’ll be a victim of a property crime, which is much higher than the state average of one in 37. Though Tucson is a fantastic place to live, crime does occur, so it is best to be prepared.
Where is Most Crime Located?
Property crimes occur at a higher rate along I-10 and east from the interstate. The main parts of the city’s center also see higher crime rates than the outer suburbs. The safest neighborhoods to live in within Tucson include Casa del Oro, East Saddlebrooke Blvd, Tanque Verde, and East Sunrise Dr. These neighborhoods have the lowest rates of property crimes compared to the surrounding areas, so those who are looking to move may want to choose one of these areas.

The Pandemic and Crime
The coronavirus pandemic has led to a shutdown of Tucson, much like other cities in the US, in an attempt to curb the spread and prevent as many deaths as possible. This has actually had a huge impact on crime. With more people at home, thefts cannot go unnoticed as easily. People are watching their neighborhoods better and reporting more suspicious activities that may be occurring. People are not going to work, either, so burglars don’t have a way to get into the home unnoticed.
Protecting the Home from Theft
With high rates of property crimes in Tucson, residents will want to do as much as possible to protect their homes, vehicles, and belongings. It is always a good idea to make sure doors are locked and to bring all belongings inside at night or when no one is home. On top of that, a security system is a great idea. Cameras that are visible or a sign alerting people that come on the property that it is secured through a monitored security system are proven ways to help reduce the potential for theft.
If you’re a Tucson resident, you will want to be careful to avoid having anything stolen or your home broken into. One of the best ways to do this is by purchasing a security system, and there are plenty of options available today that will fit any budget. Take a look at your options now or speak with a professional to get started.