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Choosing a Home Security System in Richmond, CA

The city of Richmond, California is known for beautiful bay views, World War II history, and unfortunately, its high crime rate. Compared to residents of other nearby cities, Richmond citizens are at a high risk for being the target of a crime. Residents of Richmond must take precautions in order to keep themselves and their property safe.
For individuals living in Richmond and other high-crime areas, a home security system is a crucial step needed to ensure the safety of their family, home and belongings. To demonstrate why a home security system is so essential, we’ll discuss Richmond’s history and how security devices are able to ward off potential intruders.

A History of High Crime Rates

For years, Richmond has struggled with crime rates that far exceed the state and national averages. Back in 2007, Richmond was declared the ninth most dangerous city in America by research group CQ Press. After hitting all-time highs in the 1990s and early 2000s, the crime rate in Richmond did hit a 40-year low in 2014. However, in the years since, the rate has slowly ticked back upward, reportedly due to budget cuts and insufficient programs for the community’s youth.

In 2019, Richmond’s violent crime rate reached 1,034 per 100,000 city residents, which is nearly triple the national average of 366.7 per 100,000, according to statistics from the FBI. Similarly, the property crime rate in Richmond in 2019 was 4,188 per 100,000 residents, which was not quite double the national average of 2,109.9. Burglaries in particular have remained high, with Richmond law enforcement taking reports of 469 burglaries in 2019.

Why Is a Home Security System Necessary?

According to a report from Simon Hakin and Erwin Blackstone, a home that does not have a security system is 2.7 times more likely to be targeted by a burglar than one with a system in place. Burglars look for easy targets, and a home with an active system presents many roadblocks to them. When they notice cameras and sensors, most intruders quickly move on to avoid the increased risk of being caught.
Alarm systems provide a number of benefits in addition to minimizing your risk of being burglarized. At the end of the day, it all comes down to increasing the protection for the things you care about most: your family, your home and your valuable belongings.

Home Security System in Richmond, CA

Peace of Mind

Over time, we all collect items that carry a lot of meaning to us. If a burglar makes it into your home, these objects can be taken away in a matter of minutes. Experts estimate that there are 2.5 million burglaries in the US each year, with losses sustained by victims amounting to billions of dollars. Unfortunately, it’s not always enough to lock your doors and trust that your valuable belongings will be safe.

A home security system will actively work to prevent burglars from ever seeing the inside of your home. With cameras placed both inside and outside your home, a system will ensure that intruders are discouraged from entering, and even if they do, they’ll know immediately that they’ve chosen the wrong house. With alarms sounding and lights flashing, burglars will be forced to run off before they can find any of your valuable items, minimizing the total losses to your property.

Secure Low-Traffic Areas

There are certain areas of the home that naturally see less traffic than others. For example, homeowners usually spend very little time in their garage, which is used to park vehicles or store goods they don’t use often. Similarly, basements may be used for storage and left unattended for days or weeks at a time. Having a security system in the home will help safeguard these kinds of areas, which might otherwise be burglarized without anyone noticing for a period of time.

Furthermore, these low-traffic areas may be targeted by burglars as easier access points into the home. An alarm system will help to minimize the risk in those places. Simply installing visible cameras outside storage and other unoccupied areas can deter intruders from attempting to break in through those entry points.

Save Money

Often, the choice to install a home security system comes down to the total price involved. However, there can be many financial benefits to implementing a security system on your property. Homes with security systems in place usually see a decrease in the cost of their homeowner’s insurance, as many companies will provide a discount in return for the increased protection the system provides. Additionally, a security system will increase the resale value of the home. Buyers are likely to pay more for a home that already has a system in place, especially in high-crime areas.
If you’re ready to increase the amount of protection for your family and home, it’s best to begin researching potential home security systems as soon as possible. The sooner a system is installed, the sooner you can feel confident that you’re doing everything in your power to protect the people and things you care about most. That kind of security is simply priceless. To learn more about Vivint’s home security options, call 855-848-4681 to get started and receive a free quote.