Omaha, Nebraska is known as an “all-American” city with friendly people and a positive outlook on life. While this is true, there are criminals lurking in this area, which means that residents and visitors alike need to be diligent and take steps to protect themselves.
According to statistics, Omaha has a very high crime rate. In fact, 99% of the other cities in the state of Nebraska have a lower crime rate than this city. One reason this is the case is due to the larger population in the area. While this is true, it does not mean there are not steps you can take to protect yourself, your home, and your family.
Along with installing a quality security system, it is also necessary to know where crime is likely and take steps to protect yourself. Keep reading to learn more about crime protection and avoiding becoming a victim of crime in Nebraska here.
The Most Dangerous Neighborhoods in Omaha
North Omaha is the worst place when it comes to crime and criminal acts. However, there are a few other locations to avoid including Old Market, Southeast Omaha, Florence, and Benson.
If you are moving to the area, you would be best suited to find a house somewhere besides these locations.
However, regardless of if you live in one of these crime-riddled areas or choose to settle down in a different part of the city, taking steps to prevent crime at your home is essential. The best way to protect yourself, your home, and your family, is by installing a quality, home security system.
Home Security Services in Omaha, Nebraska
When you are ready to have a home security system installed in your home, there are some security companies that stand out from the others. The top options include:
ADT Security Services (800) 743-7066
Security Equipment, Inc: (402) 333-3233
Brink’s Home Security
Each of these companies can help you determine what security system is right for your home based on your needs and budget.

Police Assistance in Omaha, Nebraska
When you find and install a quality security system for your home, it should offer ongoing monitoring. This means if an alarm goes off, the proper authorities will be notified.
However, if you need to get in touch with law enforcement officers on your own, you can do so by contacting the Omaha Police Department. There are a few numbers you can use depending on your need and situation. These include:
Emergency: Dial 911
Non Emergency: (402) 444-5600
Telephone Report Squad: (402) 444-4877
Main Number: (402) 444-5600
By calling these numbers, you can get in touch with someone who can provide you with the help or assistance that you need.
Protecting Yourself, Your Home and Your Family in Omaha, Nebraska
While the police will do everything possible to keep you safe, crime still happens. Taking preventative steps to protect your home and family is highly recommended to help ensure you do not become a victim of a crime.