Home Security in Oakland, California

Oakland, California, has been rated as the 10th most dangerous metro city in the U.S. In fact, the crime rate here is almost four times higher than the national average. It only makes sense that you would want to protect your home and family.

One of the best ways to protect the people you love, along with your belongings and assets, is by understanding the likelihood of crime and what steps you can take to prevent being a victim.

Will a Home Security System Deter Crime?

Several studies have been conducted on how a home security system deters and prevents crime. The results show the presence of an alarm system deters up to 60% of all burglars who are casing a possible target.

While home robberies have decreased in the past 10 years, this is still a huge concern for most Oakland residents. According to the FBI’s information, approximately 1.6 million burglaries occurred in 2015, and the average loss was around $2,316.

Along with the monetary costs, the loss of feeling safe in your own home is immeasurable. These costs may explain why so many more people are choosing to invest in a home security system.

According to a study conducted by the University of North Carolina in Charlotte, over 400 women and men convicted of burglary were asked if they would look for an alarm system before breaking into a home. Approximately 60% of these individuals stated they would, and if one were detected, they would move on to an unprotected house.

This makes a compelling case for the installation of a home security system.

How Oakland Residents Protect Their Home

In Oakland, there is something called the CPTED โ€“ Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design. This is a type of crime prevention method that has been created with the belief that with efficient design and by using the structural environment, there can be a decrease in individualโ€™s fear that a crime will be committed. It may also lead to a higher quality of life for residents.

CPTED works by helping to reduce the ability a person has to commit a crime and increases the likelihood that a crime will be detected and reported by other citizens. This program surpasses traditional methods of security by integrating other security options into the community.

The proper usage and installation of a security surveillance system play a huge role in preventing crime. It also helps find suspects. This program also offers merchants and residents 45 to 60-minute inspections to ensure their property is safe and secure.


Staying Safe in Oakland, California

While Oakland, California, is an area that sees a high level of crime, there are several steps you can take to help avoid becoming a victim. Keep the tips and information here in mind and take action. You can even start your own neighborhood watch program if you feel unsafe and like there is not being enough done in your local area. Being informed and knowing what options you have are the best ways to protect yourself, your home, and your family.